edens-zero-main_cast_personajes-de-anime-papel-pintado-Update Announcement Page Category Image_2

This is the location, well… Where we share with you all the fun, exciting and boring stuff going on at MyAnimeGo!

Category Announcements

New idea coming soon!!!

Hello everyone!! Coming with a new idea for a stories since I saw a comment a previous post saying a new story idea was better, so…

Story Deleted

So, as most of you can see is that I deleted the story With Magic And Lust. I did this because I didn’ feel happy or…

Focused on stories

My next few posts will be kinda spread out because I really am going to be focused on the stories I said I was going to…

Anime idea!

So, as you probably know, or not (maybe cause I haven’ said anything about, sowwy >.<) but I am a huge anime fan. I seen my…

Up Coming Story! ^^

Ohayo gozaimasu! (Little Japanese for ya!) I’m here because I wanna say something important and I’m very excited for. 1: I’m kinda indecisive a lot, not…