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Here’s what we have on the menu!
If you’re watching anime or reading manga, you might come across some words and terms that you’re unfamiliar with. If you’re new to the anime fandom,…
Is Kengan Ashura worth watching? after two seasons of its high-octane, hyperviolent martial arts tournament and becoming popular rapidly. Hello loyal and new readers, welcome to…
amnesia anime review…I really tried with this one guys. A friend was letting me watch new anime shows that they had and this was one of…
Assassination Classroom Lessons (Quotes) We Can’t Forget If you haven’t already seen this show, I seriously recommend it. It gives you all the feels. Here is…
Bold Will to dream The Pet Girl of Sakurasou, I wonder if that sounds as cool as it did in my head when I was picking…
Picking a title for this post was a bit hard, it was between Top 7 Best AMVs OF ALL TIME and Top 7 Best AMVs that…
Will Mirio Togata aka Lemillion regain his quirk? die? or how will he get his quirk back? Hey everyone, I’m sure these are questions on everyone’s…
When I say action, I mean ACTION! Maybe it’s human beings’ need to pursue something greater than ourselves or to be much stronger, action anime offers…
Hey everyone, it’s the 11th OWLS tour for the year. Thank for following us through out the months reading and contributing your thoughts on our thoughts.…
Warning: Does Contain Spoilers for Season 3 of Miraculous Ladybug for Chat Blanc and later episodes. But no worries! This post will explain the future of…