Picking a title for this post was a bit hard, it was between Top 7 Best AMVs OF ALL TIME and Top 7 Best AMVs that describe Anime, in the end I liked the latter.
The last decade has been great for anime with so many appreciating the medium now, the speed we can get new ones and just how many new anime we get each season now.
Even now, many years later, I can sit down to watch an anime series and come out of it with a new take, and now that anime is more widespread we all have different belief some times, of the message the show we love is talking about.

Which is great most of the times cause I really love sharing my thoughts and ideas with other anime enthusiasts.
Music has always been a part of my life long before I even knew about anime. So finding out about AMVs really blew my mind away. It was like learning you could mix two flavours of ice cream together.
What are AMVs?
AMV stands for Anime Music Video. And they are made by taking clips from an anime and adding effects and music, hence calling it a music video.
So since then, I have been finding inspirations form AMVs. Watching them always makes me realize how amazing anime is.
It’s amzing to me how the creator/editor know the perfect timing and music to go with the anime. When the music choice works perfectly, it makes the video a 1000 times better. Some times even better than the anime.
I also appreciate the time it most have taken by the creator or editor to create their amazing works.
Which as made me always want to do a “Top 7 Best AMVs OF ALL TIME” list. But I thought it would be cool to try and use them to describe anime and show just how far this medium has come.
So without further ado, I present to you some AMVs that I think describe anime.
1. Who We Are – AMV – animers
This AMVs feels like a love letter or ballet to anime fans. The colours, the music and the light all come together wonderfully.
Anime has continued to take us on a journey to beautiful worlds, meeting relatable characters along the way that have made a special place in our hearts.
2. Sunlight – AMV – Bestamvsofalltime
Showing the work that goes into creating the animes we all love, how anime follows us everywhere we go and the relationship that’s formed between us an anime series.
Anime has helped me grow more as a person and value everything in my life even the little things by following the characters and their stories.
3. Anime Mix – Uptown Funk AMV – Giorgi
Showing the silliness,randomness and quirkiness of anime, with all its loveable or frown upon tropes. Anime has made us feel a lot of emotions from wackiness to heartfelt emotions.
Anime has continued to make good to an unspoken promise to anime fans “always entertain”.
3.1 Just Funkin’ Dandy – Shin AMV
Cause Space Dandy why not…… The song choice was great, the timing was perfect, and the editing was phenomenal. And it really goes with the funk.
4. anime mix AMV Hawk Nelson – Sold Out – anime forever
Anime has continued to bring the intense emotions, adrenaline, explosion and action!!!!!!
To me it’s one if the mediums with the best action genre.
4.1 AMV Escanor For the Glory – I’m the Monster – Akashi Uchiha
This I kept in cause I found out Escanor was going to die and it made me sad. He’s a character I have liked since the first time he made his appearance, his double personality that are similar and yet completely different in some ways. Like day and night.
5. Anime Mix – The Nights – The AMV Archive
The feelings I get from this AMVs is so relaxing, happy and sad. It shows me some of the hero and heroines of the series I have loved over the years, and that I have laughed and cried with.
Creating moments that stay with us.
6. Slice of Life AMV – Creed Sstako
Anime can take us to amazing fictional worlds with super powers, queens and mythical beings. But sometimes it can be grounded in reality and show us, the big and little things that make life unbearable or worth surviving through.
6.1 AMV: Genero Slice of Life – Dark Angel
6.2 A Slice of Life -AMV Collab with Vexora
Honorable mentions
The Pet Girl of Sakurasou AMV – If I Die Young – Monster AMVs
Toradora! AMV – A Thousand Years – Monster AMVs
7. Won’t Let Go – AMV – animers
People say anime are cartoons but they are doorways to other worlds, peoples hopes, dreams, experiences both good and bad expressed in an art form that as continued to captivate me and other anime enthusiasts for years now.
So those are all the AMVs at the moment, is there one you think I should have mentioned? let me know. I would love to get more recommendations.
Till next time