Fancy reading and discussing the hottest anime facts, live-action adaptations, and more! With MyAnimeGo and others enthusiasts.
best angels of death moments… Angels of Death is already one of my favorite anime shows. With theories or whether Zack is a psychopath or a…
YumDeku: *Insert animal noise here* It’s time to explore the amazing world of anime manga animals in our Top 15 Cutest Anime Manga Animals You Desperately…
horror anime vs. horror movies: which is worse? A post from another great anime blogger, Irina, inspired me to write this one. It got me thinking…which…
Even after being out for a while, fans are still talking about this awesome anime. I might be biased being a fan myself, but everywhere I…
No Game, No Life Is Tet a boy or girl? After 12 anime episodes, 1 film, 2 volumes of Manga and 10 volumes of NGNL light…