AdamTot the man being the comics

     I was recently introduced to his work by a friend just recently and am loving his comics, humor and what some critics call his static drawing style. Am just loving it and it’s become one of my favourites read too.
   Adam Ellis, he’s an author/illustrator also known as Adamtots, a native of Portland, Oregon. He became known when he work at Buzzfeed for drawing webcomics that are very relatable, which made him have followers of over a million, follwing his works.

   He’s style of drawing as been criticised as being lazy due to his tendency to cut and paste previous works. He’s debuted with his blog Books of Adam, where he shared art and talking about various topics. He as also published Books of Adam: The Blunder Years. And his active on Reddit.

   He worked for Buzzfeed in early 2015 and left them this year January 17, 2018. Now working on solo projets, along with a comic. He was written about in Huffington Post on April 12th of 2015.

   Here is a link to his store –Store to get cool Mech

Samples of his works


   Hope you enjoy reading this, leave us a comment we would like to hear what you new favourite webcomics is too.


Blogger / Jujutsu Sorcerer / Unpredictable knuckle head Ninja that spends his free time writing, reading, watching and playing all things Anime, Manga and Gaming.

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