Is To Your Eternity worth watching?

I went into this series blind, and the only thing I knew about it was that everyone loved the manga, and seeing the trailer for To Your Eternity (Fumetsu no Anata e), I was interested but even more curious about this series after finding out the creator was none other than Yoshitoki Ooima the creator of A Silent Voice (Koe no Katachi) after that I could see why there was a buzz about it.

Different from her second work A Silent Voice that was a grounded story, To Your Eternity, takes a different route being more fantastical though still trying to look at the experiences of life highs and lows. Was it good though? What were its key themes, and the impressions it left us with? Let’s look!

To Your Eternity

Fumetsu no Anata e

  • Episodes: 20
  • Studios: Brain’s Base
  • Aired: Apr 12, 2021 to Aug 30, 2021
  • Genres: Adventure, Drama, Supernatural



To Your Eternity follows an immortal being named Fushi, an initially personality-less orb as it experiences all the highs and lows of life and grows from those experiences. As an immortal being, his long life comes with many meetings and partings as he continues to be shaped by the people he meets along the way, able to assume these people form after their parting from this world.

I’m sure some of it will be bad, but I still want to learn about the world.

Fushi, To Your Eternity

To Your Eternity – Anime Review

What did I think?

Right off let me point out at least for me, To Your Eternity wasn’t a series that tugged at my heart and not because I’m a cold, heartless individual but it didn’t do it for me. It wasn’t a bad series at all though right from the first episode; it was a beautiful short movie by itself, that was emotional, when you listened to the characters and the things not said but subtly implied.


I was expecting a grand coming of the age-adventure story with themes about human nature, questioning what it meant to live and teaching us to enjoy the little moment, more slice of life like with excellent character development. But what I got was different, not bad but not what I expected. Which I felt though already seen as a masterpiece to some could have been better.

The Nokkers for example came out of nowhere to me and felt unnecessary. I thought I signed up for an immortal being and other characters just dealing with relatively normal life problems like the loss of a loved one, moving on from terrible experiences, not an alien invasion.


To describe To Your Eternity is not simple. It’s more than just a supernatural drama. It tries to cast us on an emotional journey, celebrating how special and unique life is. Selling its story exactly how it wants to with its creative characters, unique storytelling, and that touches upon the deepest elements of humanity. It won’t be for everyone but should give it a try and see for yourself what camp you fall into.


I could describe To Your Eternity as somewhat of a niche series. The story looks at the power of emotions and how those emotions form us, our protagonist meets unique characters and learns from their struggles. Though the story can feel slow-paced, overstaying its welcome sometimes and kind of unfocused sometimes, making it feel like it doesn’t know what it wants to be.


To Your Eternity is a character-driven story in a fantasy world, with moments that sometimes resonates deeply with its viewers because of its relatability, reminding us to enjoy the company of our loved one despite knowing that we will eventually separate from them because of different reasons either permanently or temporarily because no matter the reasons for the distance the moments shared are what make life special.

To Your Eternity-New Family--booze-man-pyoran-gugu-fushi-rynn-cropp-eating-together


Our protagonist Fushi is curious about the world around him but cannot understand certain elements and concepts of humanity, being one of the most complex characters of the series first being personality-less at the beginning of the series, then animalistic, childish, and then slowly becoming more compassionate and understanding about himself and others around him.


Other characters’ personalities are fascinating and colorful. With every character being an important part of Fushi’s development, whether it’s to shape him into being more human or making him more understanding to us, or being a more understanding person. Characters are lovable and have their storylines.


The animation quality was stunning. Characters, transformations, choreographed battles and scenes seemed to have more depth to them. They kept thought even in brief scenes of solitary moments or characters moving from one location to another. Making it pleasing to the eyes especially during its moments of calm and less dark and brutal moments.


To Your Eternity’s voice acting was great, with accompanying music that can be wonderful helping complement the narration, thrill, and mystery. I especially noticed how it helped set the mood for some of Fushi’s moments of growth and made them feel more fleshed out.

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Favourite moment?

Episode 16 of To Your Eternity. Even in a harsh world Tonari Dalton and her group of friends; Mia, Uroy, Sandel, and Oopa, continue to laugh, smile and dream


Least favourite moment?

Episodes 5 and 16 of To Your Eternity. After their adventure I wanted March and Parona to have happier lives.


Favourite character?

If I have to pick that would have to be Tonari Dalton

Tonari Dalton-to-your-eternity

Though a bit manipulative, she cares greatly for her friends. Willing to risk her life for them.

Least favourite character?

Shin (Gugu’s Older Brother)


Family is always important. But he forgets that at one point.

What did I learn?


What I learned from To Your Eternity;

  1. Enjoy life, it goes by fast.
  2. Make sure you’re around for the little moments in life not just the big ones.
  3. Remember to let your loved ones know you care about them.
  4. Family is important and they can be blood related or not.
  5. Always keep learning and try seeing things from others perspective too.
  6. It’s ok not to be ok
  7. Getting over loss takes time and doesn’t completely go away even if your immortal

Would I watch more?

Overall, To Your Eternity is an anime with an interesting enough premise, that throws a lot at its viewers, trying to work with too much at once but in the end, the series is not for everyone so you will either praise it to high heavens or hate it.

But I would like to watch another season to see where the story goes from where we were left and see if we get more coming of the age scenes that are better and leave me thinking after the credits.


When is To Your Eternity Season 2 Release Date?

The continuation of To Your Eternity (Fumetsu no Anata e) season 2 has been confirmed for October 2022, in the Fall 2022 anime season.

What did you think of To Your Eternity so far? Are you hyped for its continuation this year? What were your favorite or least favorite moments or characters? Let us know in the comments below.

Till next time… Remember no masterpiece was ever created in a day!

Thanks for reading!


Blogger / Jujutsu Sorcerer / Unpredictable knuckle head Ninja that spends his free time writing, reading, watching and playing all things Anime, Manga and Gaming.

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