What would the MyAnimeGo squad look like? Hello everyone. This is an interesting post I have wanted to write for a while now, after reading Lita’s amazing post.
I really think it will make an interesting tag and after a lot of putting it off, cause of scheduling I finally decided to jump into this.

So who would make the cut for my chosen 5, a gang that will have the perfect balance of brains and brawns. A gang that would even scare Lita’s gang of badass-es.
So let’s get started;
Strategic Mind
Norman (The Promised Neverland)

Norman suffered the cruel fate of being born into a fake orphanage, that breeds children to be eaten by monsters. Norman is naive (because of a girl he likes), a scaredy-cat, sickly and supposedly gets eaten around the end of the first season.
So why do I want him on my team? Beneath all of Norman’s faults is an intelligent and resilient mind. He planned and coordinated the successful escape of the children from the orphanage all from beyond the grave.

Norman as the ability of planning and coordinating large scale plans with little information, and also adapting them to changes. He has a very lethal mind, with him in my thug squad I don’t need to do much thinking.
Ma Gun Girl
Kohiruimaki Karen (Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online)

Why Karen? cause we needed more cute and deadly, that go by the name “Pink Devil“. She is a college student whose tall in real life but a chibi online (she can help getting things off the top shelves and get into those small spaces)with a ton of pink accessories.
We meet her at a point where she’s trying to escape into a game to run from her worries, making a new friend and fighting in a team verus team battle royal, trying to shoot her way to the top.

She’s not good socially, shy and really worries about her height but she’s more strong willed and smarter than I think she knows. She always hits her mark, I would feel safer with her in my gang and not in her crosshairs
Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)

Spike is a former gangster whose now a bounty hunter. The lovable rouge that’s like an onion with many many layers to him.

Spike is a very tough and smart guy with a lot of experience with dealing with people. He’s someone who can go off on his own and accomplish a lot without the need of being given orders. Plus he’s badass at marshal arts.
I would love having someone with so much experience in my gang and his laid back attitude will definitely make everyone relaxed.
Power Front
Diane (The Seven Deadly Sins)

Diane is a gaint and I mean in the real word at a height of 915 cm, you don’t want to make her mad- she could step on you.
She’s a member of the seven deadly sins and a real power house. And can also be shrunk down to human size when not needed for battles.

She can be very hot tempered but Diane is very friendly, confident in her abilities and can overcome her fears in situations to help a friend. Diane would be a great memeber to my gang.
Mad Fighter
Guts (Berserk)

Guts also know as the “Struggler” great soldier and swordsman, who was betrayed by his best friend and almost sacrificed to demons with his other friends, comrades and the love of his life.
Guts life has been hard since his birth and his a testament to the man of steel, he has become today.

Guts can be grumpy but he’s a team player who cares about his team mates and has a firm will, once he has his mind made to do something he accomplishes it no matter how far he has to go. And that will help the gang as a whole.

This is a squad made up of resilient people who never give up and are specialised in different aspects to compensate and balance out each others short comings.
So lock your doors and windows The Thug YumDeku Squad is coming !!!! We are the villians and sometimes the heros and we are always ready for a fight.
So that’s it guys and gals thanks for stopping by.

I would like to see what other amazing anibloggers line up will be and you are not left out to my loyal readers, you can drop your squad line up in the comments. I would love to see them.
My chosen 5 tags will be;
Can’t wait to see what you guys come up with and don’t forget to tag 5 people in.