Blog Update Announcement NO. 22

So you wanted to know what we were doing? Well...

Hey everyone here is what we have been up to the past couple of days at MyAnimeGo!

  • First up domain name change. (we heard and listened to some readers complain about not being able to share our content on FB so new squeaky clean domain and thanks to the wonderful people at Namecheap and SiteGround our old domain still works and points to the blog too but from now on MyAnimeGo is what we will go by primarily)
  • New easier Permalink structure. (and don’t worry old links still work thanks to the wonderful people at RankMath)
  • Changed our Fonts we now just use Rubik.
  • New Banner for the name change.
  • New Publishing schedule. (we will release new content on Tuesdays now instead of on Sundays)
  • A few UI blog updates. (thanks to the new theme updates from Creative Themes)
  • The new mini store is 60% done. (sorry it’s taking so long but you will love it when it is all done… I hope)
  • Customized the ads experience a bit more. (thank you for helping us earn an income from sharing our thoughts with you, our amazing readers)
  • More Blog optimizations which should help improve your overall experience when you come to visit us. (please let me know if you have any problems Suggestion or complaints Form)
  • Also, fixed and updated our post layout a bit.
  • New Favicon loading…
  • Fixed page UI update.
  • We are also back on FB and Insta.
  • I think that’s pretty much everything? At least for now…

Also, thank you again to all our readers and fans. You are the reasons we get to do this. And last but not least thank you, friends, family, and bloggers that take time out of their busy schedules to answer questions or just to check on us.

Till Tuesdays… Your friends, MyAnimeGo. Have a great rest of the weekend.


Blogger / Jujutsu Sorcerer / Unpredictable knuckle head Ninja that spends his free time writing, reading, watching and playing all things Anime, Manga and Gaming.

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