horror anime vs. horror movies: which is worse?
A post from another great anime blogger, Irina, inspired me to write this one. It got me thinking…which one is actually worse in scary context? There are both anime and movies that have messed me up and I still get shivers thinking about them.
Now, I’m a baby and can’t handle most scary movies. Give me a good Disney movie or Harry Potter marathon any day. But there are some horror anime shows that I actually liked. Inuyashiki REALLY messed me up and makes me sick when I think of it over one scene but the artwork was beautiful and the underlying plot wasn’t bad. I like the good versus bad thing. But Parasite , while gory, was and is still one of my favorites.

Then you have anime like Angels of Death where a group of serial killers are literally hunting people down in their building as a sacrifice. And nothing. No fear from me. Just slight annoyance at Cathy’s laugh.
But in horror anime, I just don’t react the same way as I would to say “IT” or “Annabelle”. Those I had to sleep with the lights on and even pause the movie every half hour so I could watch cartoons and remember that it’s okay.
The fact is, no matter how great the story and direction is, an anime corpse will never have the same impact on me as a live action one. And the more animated the style, the less impact it has.
But does that mean it’s less scary? I’m not sure to be honest.

The thing is, these are two different types of scary that I can’t really compare. I prefer the anime type of scary, the one that keeps you riveted to the screen and I don’t have to take breaks from it.
As Irina put it, a drawing is always going to be a drawing but a photograph could be real and that’s something I just can’t turn off.
Have you noticed such a difference? Do you have a preference? Let us know in the comments below!
As always,
Keep Smiling!